Website Updates 1 (and a little FAQ)
Hello guys, gals, and attack helicopters! This website hasn’t been touched for a good amount of time (like for 2 weeks, lmao), so I decided to update it. Here’s what I’ve updated on the website:
- Made the background color for divs darker so they can be differentiated from the background.
- Rounded the corners.
- Got rid of 2 grid columns in favor of 1.
- Hit counter so I can see how famous I am.
Yeah, very small changes. Nothing fancy.
Now, let’s get into the FAQ part:
“Why were you gone?”
I’m not gone, just being inactive for a while. I’m not going to explain why because I’ve probably done so a million times and do not want to repeat it.
“Will you continue to stay on SBC?”
Probably. I don’t have anything else to do, lol.
“Are you OK?”
Yes, I am okay.
Now, I want to ask a question to you: How do you people write such long blog posts? I swear, it is so fricking hard for me to write even a small paragraph about something. But then, I see people writing long blog posts without using any boring filler words. I wish someone could help me write long blog posts.
That would be so awesome in my opinion (and kinda bad for my readers with a small attention span). I only have the comments section for contacting which requires GitHub, so it’s so over, I guess?
Anyways, thanks for reading, and see you on the next blog post (if I could write one)