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The Sandbox Guide

NOTE: This post is satirical and should not be taken seriously.

How to make a sandbox site

  1. In order to make a sandbox site you must have some sort of mental illness. It can be undiagnosed. Easiest one to get is Depression. To get it you’ll need to do any of these:

    • Listen to powfu/juicewrld/rxseboy songs 24/7
    • Become unlikeable so you can get bullied either online or at school
    • Fake it!
  2. Now that you have an (undiagnosed) mental illness you can begin working on the sandbox. For this step you’ll need to make a discord server. Now advertise your discord on other sandboxes’ sites and/or discords.

  3. This is the not-so-fun part of the guide, making a site. We recommend you the following sources, just don’t make it obvious. Also use a free and shit host that comes with a free domain.

    • Epicclub
    • Tunex
    • Vertineer
    • Bopimo
    • Brick-hill
  4. Now you must have beef with another sandbox site. You can either:

    • Call their owners pedophiles
    • Raid their server
    • DDOS their site
    • Try exposing them for something silly

If you get exposed don’t worry! Just call the owners pedophiles or incompetent (or trying to leach off your success)

  1. Your players are now begging you to make a client. Boot up unity, drag an player avatar in the scene, copy a movement script and you’ve got yourself a client. Now go brag about it.
  2. Your site’s database has been leaked! Oh fuck! Leak the intruder’s IP and might as well leak everyone’s IPs before saying goodbye and ask for forgiveness.
  3. Rinse and repeat!