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Reviewing Brick Hill's Code

As you guys would know, I have tried to make a Brick Hill clone, but gave up on it when I thought about what will preschoolers do on my website, and I’m still proud of that, anyways, I am gonna talk about the messy code of Brick Hill.

How to not secure IP adresses of the games

Everybody knows that Brick Hill doesn’t have a dedicated server (what an L), instead they give the hosting to the user, which creates really bad issues, for example:

node-hill source code server.ts line 16 to line 39

function maskIP(ip: string): string {
    const twoOctets = ip.split(".").splice(0, 2)
    return twoOctets.join(".") + ".x.x"

async function socketConnection(client: ClientSocket) {
    client._chunk = {
        recieve: Buffer.alloc(0),
        remaining: 0,
        clear: function () {
            this.recieve = Buffer.alloc(0)
            this.remaining = 0

    client.IPV4 = client.remoteAddress

    if (Sanction.bannedIPs.has(client.IPV4))
        return client.destroy()

    client.IP = maskIP(client.IPV4)
    client._attemptedAuthentication = false

    console.log(`<New client: ${client.IP}>`)
    // more code here

As you could see, this is how they hide IP adresses, very shameful and very dangerous way to do it, and it’s a reason to use dedicated hosting instead of giving the user choice, smh.

Welp, thats not all!

Brick Hill site source code SetPage.vue line 445

function playButton() {
        .then(({ data }) => {
            let ip = atob(props.setIp.split("").reverse().join(""));
            window.location.href = `brickhill.legacy://client/${data.token}/${ip}/${props.setPort}`;

They literally use base64 to hide IP adresses lmaooo

Crappy GameMaker 8 client

Do I even need to talk about this? It’s an absolute mess like the website.


If you are gonna make a Brick Hill clone, just don’t, if you are still playing Brick Hill, leave it off and play something better

(and don’t touch to sandboxes that don’t have clients, because 100% chance to get your data sold to chinese)